In this tumultuous time, I can't help but feel a lack of community- a disconnection...a disturbance in the force, whatever you want to call it- where we have lost touch with what it means to have a real human connection with each other. I want that sense of neighborly community back. It is not a thing of the past if we take it upon ourselves to cultivate this sense of love and friendship!
But, what can I do?
Well, I take pride in my writing ability and I love cooking-two skills that marry well together and which can bring about unity in their own right; imagine the potential they have combined!
Now, I am not unique in saying that there is a familial quality to food. Many cooking shows cover this concept. Historically, feasts are a staple of many major events, fictional and literal, as a way to bring people together- to celebrate. Food is also a staple of many minor events in our personal history, like family meals on Sunday. Cooking our food is what separates us from the animals- what makes humans as a whole unique.
But in a world of 7 billion+ people, individuality can get lost in the mob.
I want this blog to be a place where food and culture can combine, thrive, and saturate the minds of food-lovers all over the world; where individuals- their recipes and their stories- can shine and spread. Ideally, in the end, The Manifest Recipe will be a place where love prevails, stomachs are filled, and happiness triumphs.
A dish that reminds you of someone is one of the greatest homages to them- one of the best compliments one could receive, I say; so much can be told about a person through food- their personality, their heritage and culture. The trouble is, many of us get stuck in our own little cultural bubble; I know many of my recipes are Southern-inspired, me being from Texas with most of my family from other parts of the deep South. This project is an attempt to not only branch out my knowledge, but to branch out others' as well.
"A Recipe has no soul, you as the cook bring soul to the recipe”- Thomas Keller
So here is the intent behind The Manifest Recipe :
I want to start curating a collection of recipes from all different cultures and cuisines with the purpose of spreading love, knowledge, and comfort: desserts, appetizers, entrees, apertifs/cocktails/dessert drinks, and anything and everything in between.
I am looking for. it. all.
That being said, any submitter will be given full credit for the recipe (including shoutouts and links to fellow food bloggers or other relevant site, if applicable). I'm most interested in building this community and the sharing of culinary knowledge, not stealing it. Please include how you'd like to be credited in your message. Further, if your recipe is more about the story and is not an original (ie: got it from a cookbook, etc), that's fine, but please provide information about source of the recipe so I can link appropriately in the blog post.
Eventually, I would like to turn this collection of recipes into a cookbook in order to share the positive overall message- this is about bringing people closer together through special recipes- with a wider audience.
Hopefully this concept will have many editions, as everyone has a unique and interesting story to tell.
But first things first. In order to receive stories and recipes- I need to accrue a like-minded readership.
I need to start growing a community.
I need to find you.
Some questions you might be asking at this point:
Why should you follow this blog?
If you're anything like me, the daily grind (usually involving the media and current state of the world) has a way of stirring up negativity- this is unhealthy as it allows us to harbor and foster pessimistic and unfavorable attitudes within ourselves; and let's be honest, it can sometimes transcend to our public attitude and produce negative and unattractive behavior.
It is toxic out there, people, and it is easy to get caught up in the undertow of that great societal ocean. My Facebook news feed is mucked up with walls of negativity- I barely go on it anymore.
This is why I decided to start this project.
With the hope that The Manifest Recipe will grow outward and upward as a welcoming and encouraging community on the internet where people just want to celebrate each other and talk about food, I ask you to join me on this journey. I want this space to emulate that special wholesome feeling that only a home cooked meal can bring.
Only positivity will reign here.
Who do I mean by "like-minded readership"?
Anyone of any gender anywhere who possesses an open and accepting mind that has a passion (professional or amateur) for cooking and food culture who has a recipe and story to tell (or know someone who does!) or someone who is just interested in the subject of cooking and culture looking to branch out their knowledge and/or discover new recipes.
I welcome any blog post ideas- for example, concerning food culture, cooking materials (pots, pans, etc) for different dishes/cuisines, or perhaps you're interested in a particular region and would like me to focus on it. Just email me, I welcome interaction with readers and would love to talk to you! This community is dedicated to collaboration after all.
What will your posts be about exactly? How often will you post?
I plan to post twice a week- one post will focus on cultural aspects of food (for example, the upcoming Food & Culture post will focus on societal norms and gender roles about cooking and the flipping of those roles in some cultures stemming all the way back to the time of Homer; these posts will generally be published Thursdays). The second post will be a shared recipe with submittee/ submitter's story (which will generally be submitted on Sunday evenings).
Look for the first Food & Culture post coming Thursday (2/16)!
Who even are you? Why would I follow you? You don't have any other blogs or anything. I don't know anything about you.
My name is Cait. Yes, I'm a newbie to the blogging world, but I am not a stranger to the food or writing world. Both are great loves of mine. I recently graduated with an B.A. in English and I cook at least 3-4 times a week with occasional late night insomnia-induced baking sessions thrown in there about once (or twice) a week.

Let's see, what else... I love film (I'd like to direct someday) and I love good company (especially around a fire pit on a brisk night with a good dark beer).
Liz Lemon is my spirit animal, Tim Burton's Batman is my favorite superhero movie (Keaton all the way, baby), and The Neverending Story is my favorite movie of all time (I cross my fingers everyday that it doesn't get sucked onto the Hollywood reboot train).
I love hosting. When you come to my house, I want you to feel at home- totally mi casa es su casa at my place. I find immense joy in taking care of people I love and making them happy while I can in the best way I know how. You might say that I am the epitome of Southern hospitality.
I feel socially awkward most days. I've always expressed myself best through the written word and/or through perfectly baked golden-brown manifestations of love- usually in pastry or pie form, wrapped in a container inspired by (or, if I'm being completely honest, copied directly from) Pinterest with some unique semblance of the receiver in mind (ie: the treat is their favorite flavor or container/wrapping is their favorite movie or color or something like that). It's the little details that make a person feel special, lets them know that you pay attention to and value them as an individual, as a person and friend.
It means something.
I think food makes the best gifts because of this. If you're ever strapped for cash when a friend's birthday rolls around, I recommend baked goods. They're cheap to make, tasty, from the heart... ingredients for any great gift I say. I'll never be disappointed if you make me food as a present. Submissions are always welcome ;)
But enough about me. Let's talk about you!
What should I do if I'm interested in submitting?
Here's what I need from you, if you're so inclined:
What is a recipe that you turn to time and again? Why? What's the reason? Is it a person, a place? A time in your life that you remember fondly?
There is no reason too small, mind you. The reason(s) can be as simple as "it helps me cope with a bad day" or "it reminds me of my (insert family/friend name here)"- those are usually the best recipes! In your message, just give me some background about yourself, how the recipe came about in your life, why it is special, and anything else you think people should know about it! Give me enough to be able to tell an engaging and detailed story. My aim is to bring the chef/creator into the spotlight- showcase who they are, where they come from- in order to bring humanity back into cooking.
I also welcome any ideas you may have that you'd like to see covered in posts, just send me an email!
The end goal:
My sincere hope is that this community will grow and flourish to account for many different people from many different walks of life who all have unique and interesting stories to tell (and recipes to share!). Here's to hoping that 2017 will be the year that The Manifest Recipe grows into a beautiful community built on love.... and food. Don't forget the food.
See you at the dinner table.
Give me a follow at the bottom of this page to stay up-to-date with The Manifest Recipe !
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