Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day!

Many people begrudge Valentine's Day: If you're single, it sucks seeing happy couples everywhere; if you're in a relationship, people make you feel guilty for being in love. You can be on one side of the line one year, and on another the next; most of us have been on both sides and understand that double edged sword is sharp.

But there doesn't have to be this disconnection. No matter what "side" you're on, don't let Valentine's Day be a day you dread each year-it can be stressful for couples too!- it's gonna come whether you want it to or not.

Today doesn't have to have a stressful or negative connotation!

It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or if you're single, find love somewhere today.

That's what today is all about.

If you find yourself without a date, go out with a friend to a favorite restaurant or have a dinner party and cook that recipe you've been wanting to make. Take today to celebrate the love that good friendship brings. May you have someone in your life that you love as much as Leslie loves Ann...

If you're feeling like you'd rather stay home, that's ok- hey, no wrestling with traffic or crowds! Score.

But, may I suggest that you still partake in the excuse to eat scrumptious food and sweets?

Here are some recipes from other fellow food bloggers to inspire some culinary creativity (browse their sites for further inspiration!):

Then, have dessert (without stressing about the calories): Dip something in chocolate, eat your favorite flavor of ice cream, or wrap something in bacon. If that's not what love tastes like, I don't know what does.

Didn't get flowers? Wanted them? Well, here's the best kind of bouquet (an edible one!) from me to you. Muah!

If you find yourself alone this Valentine's, take the day to celebrate you. Be happy about being your own Valentine cause you freakin' rule.

As homework: Take the time to make a nice meal for yourself. What's a recipe that you've been wanting to try? Or a cuisine? As the saying goes, "There's no time like the present". 

Happy hump day tomorrow and I'll see you on Thursday for the first Food & Culture post!! 

See you at the dinner table.

Give me a follow on the right sidebar to stay up-to-date with The Manifest Recipe!

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